All the time, everybody in San Francisco talks to his or herself. At first I thought it people were just drunk or had a blue tooth; I couldn't believe that guys in suits, house mom
I went to the Bay area to visit my sister Jane, a school teacher in the suburbs. She has a swinging pad in San Paulos or El Alto or something -it's a nice town; it has a Ferrari dealership. This was my base for a week.
Another thing people in Sanny Fanscanny do is say, "Hella." Hella this hella that. I heard a girl on the train talking about a party with, "hella people" and "hella alchohol" but she was "hella tired" and needed a "hella long time to get ready" subsequently joining her group "hella late" and by then the party was "hella low on booze". Like "like" in the valley girl days of the nineties, "hella" is more of an idiosyncracy than meaningful word, but as a speaker of newsbroadcaster-grade, middle American english I can't help but wince a bit when I hear it.
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